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Antique Sewing machines: Wayne & Judi, of Sew What

[source: http://www.thecourier.com.au/story/2677484/vintage-sewing-machine-collection-on-display/]
  Wayne & Judi McKail, of Sew What, are based in Maryborough, Victoria.

The McKails know sewing machines - antique, vintage and retro. They have a private collection of hundreds of machines, offering repair and restoration services, and a traveling demonstration that educates and delights lovers of traditional machinery.  If you are a Rtradie who uses a traditional sewing machine, or you have a special model that needs TLC, then these folks are keen to help you. They travel to many places around Victoria, and can make arrangements to help you on the road, or at their base in Maryborough.
You can also see their work shared on Facebook,  @RareTradesAustralia.
If you want to discuss repair and restoration work, or a demonstration of their machines at your event, please don’t hesitate to contact them:

Mobile:   0419 101144
Email :    sewwhat@bigpond.com
#sewwhatmaryborough #antiquesewingmachine #raretrades #raretradesaustralia